Hydrogen Sulphide is a toxic gas associated with municipal and industrial waste water. It is a source of foul odours, corrosion and serious health and safety issues.
Eliminate Odour Complaints
When the foul odour of Hydrogen Sulphide is present, local residents and businesses start calling. The MPOX range of products will allow you to eliminate the foul smell, the calls and the complaints. You will become the good neighbour rather than the nuisance. Hydrogen Sulphide can pose serious health and safety concerns to plant personnel as well as the general public. A mere 10 parts per million can cause eye and throat irritation while levels >500 parts per million can be fatal. The MPOX range of products eliminates Hydrogen Sulphide and the dangers it presents.
Hydrogen Sulphide forms acidic gases that are very corrosive to most metals. Copper is particularly susceptible to attack resulting in damage to costly electronics and electrical components. Hydrogen Sulphide, when combined with water vapour, leads to the creation of Sulphuric Acid that attacks concrete in sewer lines causing severe degradation that can lead to sewer collapse and rapid system failure.
Hydrogen Sulphide
A very poisonous and corrosive gas

Conventional Treatment
The water industry has historically tried to treat odours by a simple two step engineering solution (which we call “Cover & Treat”):
Cover all diffuse sources of odour and vent enclosed buildings
Take large volume sour air and treat through either wet or dry chemical scrubbers (or a combination of both)
The main problem with this solution is that the odours have already been released into the air stream and therefore already have a potential to cause an odour complaint. Other disadvantages include:
High capital cost
Low threshold to odour generating compounds
Difficult to seal
The MuSol Solution…
When MuSol first looked at odour control we decided to go back to fundamentals and redesign the way odours were treated. In order to avoid a large odour extraction system or to augment the operation of an existing system, MuSol developed a method of eliminating the gas before it has the opportunity to escape into air.
The product technology is novel in that it operates by reacting with the odour causing molecules present in the sludge or sewage. This makes the product extremely effective at odour control since the gas has no opportunity of escaping from solution prior to being treated.
Chemical Treatment
Dosing and Storage